All my life I was aware of how easy it was to start something and how difficult it was to do the same things over and over again. At first glance of astrology, you may blame my Gemini sun because sun astrology says Geminis have more unfinished projects than anyone. That was interesting but didn't help. It wasn't until I was in my 30s that I discovered the underlying why and figured out what to do about it.
When I was volunteering for a dog rescue, they asked for help getting into a national pet store chain for adoption events. Others had tried and failed. I went online, found the info, followed the steps, and voilà, we were approved to do adoption events every weekend.
Weekend after weekend after weekend, we hosted adoption events. They were successful and lots of dogs were finding great homes. Each weekend became more and more difficult for me to attend. I started getting headaches, feeling nauseous, and began cancelling which made me feel even worse. It finally got to the point where I had to admit to myself and the head of the dog rescue that I can't do this anymore.
It so happened that the woman that ran the dog rescue also taught Astrology, Tarot, and Mythology. I hadn't known her for long and only had a basic understanding of what she taught. I braced myself as I made the call to let her know I wouldn't be able to attend the events any longer. There was so much need in dog rescue and I didn't want to disappoint her, the dogs or the rescue.
I explained what I was experiencing and said I would no longer be a regular volunteer at the weekly adoption events. I then offered to get some other project up and going for them. The head of the dog rescue immediately replied with, "Oh, you must have a lot of cardinal energy and not a lot of fixed!"
I had no idea what she was talking about, but I was so relieved at her positive response. Later, I went on to learn the meaning of what she said. Cardinal, fixed, and mutable are modes in astrology. We will usually have a predominant mode and a predominant element. From there I was able to develop self compassion and understand my stellar makeup. This led me to figuring out work arounds to "life hack" when I needed to do something over and over again (fixed modality).

I have put together a class, Maximize Your Strengths by Understanding Your Stellar Makeup, to help other people develop self compassion and identify work arounds. In this three-part class, we will use your birth data (birthday, time, location) to determine your elemental and modal make up. From there, we will cover the basics of the elements (fire, earth,
air, water) and modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable) and discuss how to not only offer compassion to your essential nature but also how to develop work arounds that play to your natural strengths. It can be helpful to bring the birth data of loved ones and close friends so that you can deepen your understanding of how to be more effective and realistic in your interactions with them.
Understanding plus strategy has helped me be a successful business owner, responsible friend, and reduce the negative self talk. It has made it easier to navigate through life with integrity. I can love and accept these parts of me instead of trying to justify and dismiss. I invite you to step into a deeper understanding so that you, too, can maximize your strengths and build a life you love.
Teresa Kleffner
Founder & Healing Coach